We built this city on updates

Don't fret, I'm still alive and kickin.

Download my prototype here.

Progress on Zombpocolypse has been slow. I've been trying to keep up and have been able to pull off a prototype that for the most part proves all the base technology. I've got some base code up to start setting up the weapon system..but I haven't really put that together yet.

I am not sure what is causing me to be so lazy. I think I've been allowing games to enter my life a little too much and have been playing copious amounts of Hellgate in my free time after school. Hmm..idea: I should post one or two features I am going to implement here as a reminder of what I need to get done.

So whats next? Well I want to get spawner placement / editing into the editor and also get a table up to edit at least one weapon.

Ryan Ellis gave me some good ideas and suggested I focus on enviroment-affecting weapons. So I think with that in mind, the next "features" are going to be the basic pistol(s) and bubble shield drop. It would also help to place actually getting damaged in the game.

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