The Inception of Camera Bobbin


So this update doesn't have a slew of new content in it but I felt like posting it.

  • The download has been reduced significantly. This is due to finally getting mp3 support working which allows for vastly smaller music files. Enjoy the new tune!
  • Camera Bobbin! If you find this annoying please hit me up with some feedback. I like it but do feel it need some work.
  • The icons at the bottom will now be faded out when they are recharging. I am going to work on a way to fade them slowly in to give you a better idea of how long.
  • The black bar that used to represent energy is now health (as well as the screen getting darker).
Up Next
  • Improved AI - less chase and more intercepting!
  • Improved Power Icons (the fading in I mentioned above)
  • Improved level - going to spend some time tuning the spawning
As always, hit me up with your feedback. I'll be rocking SC2 for a bit but I'll try to stay on it!

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