From the Rafters, LIKE A BAT!


Oh man, you ever had one of those moments where you thought something would work out and instead it breaks your concept of awesome and creates some new kind of SUPER awesome!? Yeah that is how I feel about this update! First off, shout out to Austin and Grant for taking time to play my game and giving me solid feedback. I think Austin is the primary creditor for the new enemy: THE CHARGER!

  • New Enemy: The Charger! This pesky guy will move into range and take flight and charge at you. Watch out! Staying in contact with him while he charges is very dangerous to your health!
  • Goo Man will now spawn a vomit puddle at your feet if he hits you with his vomit
  • Modified the waves so they are a little more challenging.
  • Slightly improved enemy AI so they try to intercept you.
I really like this new enemy - it really makes you keep moving and makes herding enemies a pain.

Coming Up:
  • Exploding Enemies
  • Multi-room enviroments
  • Combo Point / Time Tracking
Get out there and give it a go! Tell me what you think!

1 comment:

Mike Belotti said...

Hey, I like it! It's pretty intense; I actually died the first time. I think the charger works very well; no complaints with that guy.

Only thing I might say is to give a warning for where enemies are about to spawn--they tend to like to spawn right where I am! Other than that, very cool