
First off, sorry the demo is not working. I'm still trying to figure out how to fix it.

So onto today's topics: I am being lazy. After I got back from vacation, I was getting into my new project (the map editor for Zombpocolypse). At first, it was back to my old self: staying up late, not paying attention during class and working on my stuff instead. Eventually we were assigned a project for OpenGL to make a code-modeled 3d scene. While I'm not to crazy into doing it, it has dettered me from working on my stuff since I know that if I start working on the map editor or 3d collision, I simply will not work on my open gl. Anyhoos, I spent Monday fixing my desktop rather then working on my project. Good news: My desktop is running games that it previously could not!

And a little ditty: Two Worlds, while flawed in so many ways, is okay when you can play it with a 360 controller and have the graphics cranked up.

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