This things I believe
It has finally hit me like a 19.75 lb bag of bricks that I messed up my personal programming education. I zeroed in on a select few topics with such a mighty passion that I ignored a lot of fundamentals. There are so many things I don't know that I'm finding now are serious weakness that make me look like a fool.
I've been moping for a bit. I think I need to change that. So here is my list (this is really for me):
- Algorithm Analysis
- Sorting Algorithms
- Unit Testing
- Memory Manager - I've done this before...but it was so long ago
- Data Structures for sorting operation
- Multi-threading
Heavy floating point knowledge. Write a BSP compiler that takes Quake 1 .MAP files and builds a BSP tree out of it.
on it chief - is it hard to render the environment from a map using some simple openGL?
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