Alpha 0.23- Lets Have a Bloody Good Time

Yo ho internet pirates! Presented above is a clip of the new Alpha 0.23 build (over on the right there). This build has a few new features:

  • Amazing health feedback by Mike Balcerzak - he has really gone above and beyond on this one.
  • Totally revised Combo System that allows you to gain a ton more combos. Its way cleaner and allows for more control on my end to create better combos.
  • A new player character provided by Ryan Ellis. Mike is working on an animated one but I figured this was way better then the current crap player graphic (that I made of course).
  • Tuned zombies down so they don't hit as hard (more to come on the balance stuff)
  • Allow you fire all weapons at the same time - buttons won't interrupt each other


Laura "Sko" said...

your profile needs an update! also, I love you :)

Laura "Sko" said...

i mean your whole blog needs an update :-)