Ending the AFK

Dear Diary, its been so long! How are you!?


Yeah we are not doing that. So I apologize for the intense amount of lateness. Many a thing has held me from posting personal stuff and hobby work stuff. After the last release (0.5) I decided to take a break for a bit to figure out what I needed to do on the game as well just take a small break to not overwork myself on it. I picked up Dragon Age which took me forver to get into (I have never been a fan of Bioware games). After the third restart and with a little advice on a better character build to match my playstyle, I can say with no hesitation that this is truly one the best RPGs I've played in a long time. With most heavy-story based games I need to get through 2 things before I will care about it: The world/theme needs to be somewhat interesting and the game mechanics need to be engaging (in the case of DA, the combat). Once I can get past those two then I will listen to any story you will tell me. I rarely will play a game "just for teh story." Dragon Age got me with the bloody fantasy approach and then hit me with the tactical combat (appealing to the RTS fan in me). At this point I started to absorb the story and characters. When I see how awesome Allistar is in combat and how many times he has saved my party, I will listen to his witty banter for all day. When my dog knocks down a evil rogue who almost backstabbed me, I'll sit through his little cutscene.

So Dragon Age, you got me. Its like being in an awesome television series...one where I hack the limbs from evil doers and lift zombie sieges. Tune in next week where I storm a castle and murder demons.

On a side note, I will begin work on a profile system for Space Ballz that will lead into showing some best times / chains on the HUD. Once that is done I'll tweak some existing levels to make them a little more engaging. Look forward to that demo hopefully by the end of the week.

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