Spoon and the Game of Life

Hello again to those of you so gracious to grace me with your most gracious attention..gracefully.

Things are going at a nice rate here in Orlando. Laura and I are getting settled into our pre-married living together life. Its taken some work from both of us to make things work and I am enjoying it very much. We started a new workout/diet program. Well not really much of a diet, more of a new way of eating. My friend Mike Vittiligio passed me a book called "Body for Life" by Bill Phillips and reccomended his workout/eating plan. We thumbed through it and found his plan pretty pleasing. Seeing as I am a big lover of food, one day out of the week the plan demands you eat whatever you want...thats pretty damn cool by my book. We have also been working out consitently in the mornings for a full week and I feel pretty good. Its only 2o minute aerobic workout but the book has you going through this way of doing it where you try to maximize yourself and keep pushing every visit by a bit more.

On the school front, things are going pretty well. I have a bad habit of making our excercices in programming classes more complicated then they need to be. When asked by some buds why I do this, I always reply "to challenge myself." While this may seem like a good habit for getting better at my craft, I have fears that I may do that in a work enviroment where things need to get done by any means. Will see. I'll just keep on trucking to get better at this. We had an assignment to work on the Game of Life (http://www.bitstorm.org/gameoflife) in class and I though we were supposed to write everything but found out that our teacher provided a ton of the code himself. I ended up writing his part myself and spent most of my lab time on that, not doing the real assignment (thought it is a very easy task). I learned a lot doing it myself (especially for another project I am working on where these lessons will come in handy) but the teachers example is by and far much better. I am going to study it some more to see if I can improve my version....actually I just stopped mid bloggin to check his code out. He has a more elegant solution then mine for the standard game of life. One thing he encouraged was making a flexible solution for different rules and mine more or less supports that but could use some improvement. Oh well. It is, as I always tried to remind myself, useful experience.

My other code base is getting along pretty well and I was able to use it for a simple pong game project. I got a couple of really nice comments from students and a few teachers which was very nice. For the first time, my collision code actually came out as a game..and it was good.

Allright time to get ready to get shopping with Laura for my last minute cruise needs. I'll definelty put some pics once we get back!

Till then, Grindhouse looks pretty frikin sweet!


Laura "Sko" said...

Don't worry babe. Some day I'll chop my leg off and attach a semi-automatic to it.

Grindhouse. puh...

Unknown said...

Not to get all pedantic (heaven forfend I ever be pedantic), but I'm pretty sure that gun-for-a-leg is both fully automatic and has a grenade launcher.

Your work is cut out for you.